Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oct 28th SKILLS Radio - "Movers and Shakers"

Tonight we are featuring 3 dynamic movers and shakers all from the Greater Baltimore Area:

          Nikeita Moore
Recently started a new non-profit organization in Baltimore called Improved Choice. The mission of Improved Choice is to serve the citizens of Maryland through a variety of programs, seminars and conferences geared towards the empowerment, education, and advancement of people. The Mageuzi Youth Rites of Passage Program (MYROP) was created to provide essential skills for at-risk youth between the ages of 14-18. The program will form strategic partnerships with local school districts, community leaders and other organizations that are dedicated to investing in the youth in Maryland. Mageuzi, Swahili for evolution represents development, change, (a) process and growth. Nikeita Moore at 410-497-7491 or

                                                                              Dacia Jenkins

Dacia Jenkins is an image consultant who recently launched her company, Panache Beauty. An extremely driven professional Dacia Jenkins, former celebrity Fashion Stylist and Baltimore, created Panache Beauty, an ecommerce company that retails premium quality hair enhancements.
Please contact for additional information about the Panache Beauty brand. 

                                                                  Naijha Wright
             Is the marketing and promotions manager for the Land of Kush – Vegetarian Cuisine catering company. The Land of Kush wants you to celebrate a new life with healthier food choices. They work with vegetarians, vegans and health conscious people who struggle with finding quality, tasty vegetarian food. What makes them so different? You won’t believe its veggie.

Private Tasting Event on Saturday 10/30 and Saturday 11/6 from 12 PM to 4pm 840 N. Eutaw Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201. To RSVP Email or call 410-225-KUSH. Visti them on the web at

SKILLS Radio will feature President and CEO of PDR Web Solutions

SKILLS - Sharing Knowledge and Information for LifeLong Success
              This Thursday Night October 28th – 9 PM EST

Tune In for the Premier of SKILLS Radio
 The #1 Show Helping Young Professionals Learn and Grow
Hosted By:  Brian Olds
Topic this week: Entrepreneurial Mindset
SKILLS Radio will feature President and CEO of PDR Web Solutions
Jonathan Passley

Jonathan Passley is the President and CEO of PDR Web Solutions, a website design and internet marketing firm.  His company has worked with clients like John’s Hopkins University School of Medicine, Carrollton Bank, Maryland Re-Bath and a number of other businesses throughout the east coast.  He serves as an active member on the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education and serves on the board of directors as vice president of Improved Choice, Inc.  He has been featured on WEAA 88.9 fm’s BriefCase Radio as November’s 2009 Entrepreneur of the Month.   Jonathan has spoken for a variety of audiences throughout Maryland about entrepreneurship and positioning yourself for success.  He strongly believes that passion, determination, and resilience are core characteristics an individual most possess to succeed.

Call In to Listen or Ask Questions During the Show: (646) 381-4618

SKILLS Radio – Kick-Off Show – Thursday October 28th at 9:00 PM EST
Topic this week: Entrepreneurial Mindset

Program Features

Quote of the Week
Each week we share an inspiring or relevant quote related to our topic of discussion

Live Guest Interview – Jonathan Passley
Jonathan will share his experience, struggles, and thought process in his journey to be a successful young entrepreneur.

Call In Questions or Submit Email Questions
Call in live on the air to ask Jonathan a question at (646) 381-4618

Movers and Shakers
We will highlight a few Young Professionals around the country that have been promoted, opened new businesses or achieved a significant goal. If you believe you or someone you know should be featured in this section please email us at

Upcoming Events
Discuss upcoming events that can benefit for Young Professionals
For questions, suggestions, comments or to be featured on the show, please contact Brian Olds at

Our Vision: To create and connect a global network of professionals striving for individual personal and professional excellence

The Mission: Focused primarily on young professionals ages 18 to 25, our mission is to fill the gap in traditional education by providing quality training, connection opportunities, as well as access to valuable resources thereby empowering our partners to achieve personal and professional growth.